The Fraternal Relations Committee report to the 44th General Assembly of its work during 2023-2024, plus recommendations for consideration by the Assembly.

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Summary of Work
Summary of Recommendations
Work of the Committee
Recommendations (Detailed)
Committee Members
Meeting Dates

Alan Trafford

TE, Presbytery of the Gulf South


1. The Committee takes as its charge to Identify, Develop, and Implement relationships with other bodies of Christians that will promote the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the unity of His Body, and the strengthening of the Kingdom of God on earth. (84-06).

2. The Committee’s remit covers: • Ecumenical Relationships (National Association of Evangelicals; World Reformed Fellowship) • Domestic Relationships (Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church; Christian Reformed Church; Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians. • International Relationships – Pending (Presbyterian Church in Ireland; UNEPREF – National Union of French Protestant Reformed Evangelical Churches) • International Relationships – Existing (Association of Charismatic Presbyterian Churches, Puerto Rico; St. Andrew’s Presbytery, Argentina; Evangelical Reformed Church of Kazakhstan; Church of Jesus Christ in Madagascar; Presbyterian Church of Brazil (IPB); Presbyterian Church of Mexico (INPM); Evangelical and Reformed Presbyterian Church of Peru; and, Evangelical Presbyterian Church, Sierra Leone. 


44-13 Recommends that the 44th General Assembly withdraw its formal fraternal relationship with the Association of Charismatic Presbyterian Churches in Puerto Rico; and that future relationships be through the World Reformed Fellowship.

44-14 Recommends that the 44th General Assembly withdraw its formal fraternal relationship with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Peru; and that future relationships be through the World Reformed Fellowship.

44-15 Recommends that the 44th General Assembly approve entering into a fraternal relationship with the National Union of French Protestant Reformed Evangelical Churches (UNEPREF). (As described in Acts of Assembly 12-10.1a).

UNEPREF Vision & Values

44-16 Recommends that the 44th General Assembly extend the current Articles of Agreement with the St. Andrew’s Presbytery of Argentina through 2025.


1. The Committee has continued to hold productive conversations with the Presbyterian Church in Ireland (PCI) to enter into a fraternal relationship (12-10.1a). However, at the request of the PCI, this motion is to be delayed until 2025.

2. . Having spent several years in conversation with the leadership of the National Union of French Protestant Reformed Evangelical Churches (UNEPREF); and having already cooperated on a church plant in Bordeaux, the Committee is delighted to recommend that we move to a formal fraternal relationship. (12-10.1a). Representatives of UNEPREF will be present at General Assembly.

3. After reviewing existing fraternal relationships, and attempting to update contact information, the Committee has concluded that we should discontinue our formal relationship with the Association of Charismatic Presbyterian Churches in Puerto Rico, and with the Evangelical and Reformed Presbyterian Church of Peru. Repeated attempts have been made to reestablish contact, but all have failed. We suggest that relationships be maintained through the World Reformed Fellowship.

4.  The Committee has been working with representatives from the St. Andrew’s Presbytery of Argentina to update the existing Articles of Agreement, which are set to expire in the summer of 2024. However, since the work remains unfinished, we would like to ask the Assembly to extend the current Agreement for a further year, pending the completion of the new version.

5.  The Committee has become more involved with the work being done by EduNations and the EPC of Sierra Leone. We would like to encourage churches and presbyteries across the denomination to assist the Presbytery of the Alleghenies in supporting this remarkable work.

6.  The Committee was approached by a congregation in Velez Malaga in Spain, which was asking to join the EPC. While others will be dealing with this particular request, the Committee will be spending time considering how to respond to international inquiries, of which there have been several.

7.  The Committee has been considering ways to welcome fraternal partners to the General Assembly. To this end, we have appointed a liaison and have been working more closely with those preparing for GA.

8. The Committee has produced an informal handbook, covering its work, mostly consisting of extracts from the Book of Order and Acts of Assembly. This will, we hope, prove helpful for the ongoing work of the Committee. It will need to be updated annually. 

9. The Committee has maintained informal relations with the following denominations: the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA); and the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America (RPCNA). 



Recommends that the 44th General Assembly withdraw its formal fraternal relationship with the Association of Charismatic Presbyterian Churches in Puerto Rico; and that future relationships be through the World Reformed Fellowship.

The Permanent Committee on Fraternal Relations evaluated the relationship with the Association of Charismatic Presbyterian Churches in Puerto Rico and found no evidence of any relationship in practice.  Numerous attempts to contact the ACPCPR were unsuccessful.  As a result, the committee does not believe it meets the criteria for Fraternal Relations established in Acts of the Assembly 12-10.  Furthermore, since the establishment of the Fraternal Relationship (Acts of Assembly 94-01), the EPC now has three congregations on the Island of Puerto Rico which are integral members of the EPC.  Puerto Rico is now a part of the Presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean.  


Recommends that the 44th General Assembly withdraw its formal fraternal relationship with the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Peru; and that future relationships be through the World Reformed Fellowship.

The Permanent Committee on Fraternal Relations evaluated the relationship between the Evangelical Presbyterian Church and the Reformed Presbyterian Church of Peru and found no evidence that the relationship, as, defined in Acts of the Assembly 17-10 was in practice.  Numerous attempts to contact the ERPCP were unsuccessful.  As a result, the committee does not believe it meets the criteria for Fraternal Relations established in Acts of the Assembly 12-10.


Recommends that the 44th General Assembly approve entering into a fraternal relationship with the National Union of French Protestant Reformed Evangelical Churches (UNEPREF). (As described in Acts of Assembly 12-10.1a).

UNEPREF Vision & Values

Concurrent with Acts of the Assembly 84-06 the Permanent Committee on Fraternal Relations has identified, with the assistance of a WO Global Worker, the National Union of French Protestant Reformed Evangelical Churches and after multiple meetings and a trip by EPC WO and Church Planting Leadership have confirmed a viable fraternal relationship that would be profitable to carrying out the Great Commission commensurate with Acts of the Assembly 12-10.1.a.


Recommends that the 44th General Assembly extend the current Articles of Agreement with the St. Andrew’s Presbytery of Argentina through 2025.

Acts of the Assembly 09-03 defines the Fraternal Agreement with longtime, and highly valued Fraternal Partner, the St. Andrews Presbytery of Argentina.  Whereas both ecumenical committees are working collaboratively on a renewed fraternal relationship to be presented at the 45th General Assembly of the EPC (2025) the committee recommends continuing the formal relationship as the “articles of agreement” are being developed.



Alan Trafford (Chairman)
TE, Presbytery of the Gulf South

Stan Van den Berg
TE, Presbytery of the Great Plains

Don Fortson
TE, Presbytery of the Coastal Mid-Atlantic

Case Thorp
TE, Presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean

Roger Rumer
RE, Presbytery of the Alleghenies

Carol Culbertson
RE, Presbytery of the West

David Galbraith
RE, Presbytery of the Midwest

Josh Shelley
RE, Presbytery of the Central South

Holly Lazzaro
RE, Presbytery of the East


August 29, 2023: Video Conference
January 11, 2024: Video Conference
April 11, 2024: Video Conference

Respectfully submitted,




Alan Trafford, Chairman
June 2024

Office of the General Assembly
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Orlando, FL 32822
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