The Presbytery Review Committee (PRC) report to the 44th General Assembly of its work during 2023-2024, plus recommendations for consideration by the Assembly.

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Summary of Work
Summary of Recommendations
Work of the Committee
Recommendations (Detailed)
Committee Members
Meeting Dates

Ron Bengelink

RE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest


1. Working from a common set of specific requirements for EPC Presbytery Minutes reflecting the Constitution, the Rules for Assembly, and certain Acts of the Assembly, two members of the Committee read each set of the Minutes from at least 4 of our 16 presbyteries and presented those for concurrence by the entire committee.

2. The committee also reviewed the responses from the various presbyteries to those Exceptions cited for their 2022 Minutes to approve the acceptability of those responses.

3. The Committee also reviewed the lists of attendees for all Presbytery Stated Meetings for 2023 to ascertain the level of commitment by all EPC church sessions to our Presbyterian form of government as reflected in their attendance at the meetings of their presbytery.


44-39: That the 44th General Assembly approve the Exceptions requiring a Response as found in the 2023 minutes of 11 of our 16 Presbyteries.

44-40: That the 44th General Assembly approve the responses of the Presbyteries to those Exceptions sent to them by the 43rd General Assembly.


Of necessity, this Committee’s task is compressed into eight weeks between the receipt of certified Minutes for at least three Stated Meetings held during the calendar year 2023 and the publication deadline for the docket of this General Assembly. This review requires at least two members of the Committee to read each set of Minutes submitted by each of the EPC’s 16 presbyteries and then meet online with the Chairman to reach concurrence. This can only be accomplished by having a team of committed Ruling Elders and Teaching Elders with a good understanding of the requirements of the Book of Order, the Rules of Assembly, and the pertinent Acts of Assembly. It also requires a competent and dedicated support staff from the Office of the General Assembly. Zenaida Bermudez and Vanessa Mullendore from the Office of the General Assembly supported us this year.
This year we found that five of our 16 Presbyteries had no Exceptions. Although a few were new to the demands of the tasks of Presbytery Stated Clerk, we found that all have taken their assignment very seriously and are improving each year. The foundational basis for this annual review is due to the connectional character of our denomination. As Book of Government 16-3 states, “Because all courts of the Church have a mutual connection with one another, the act of each court should be considered representative of the whole Church. Therefore, no one court is separate and distinct from all the other courts. This mutuality and connectivity finds expression in the right of review and control in the ascending order of the courts.” Maintaining an accurate consistency between presbyteries ensures that both a legal and historical record of each presbytery is preserved for the reference and understanding of future generations.

The Committee is also concerned to report that the number of EPC churches who didn’t have any representation at any of their Presbytery’s Stated Meetings increased somewhat to approximately 50 during 2023 (about 7.5% of the denomination) compared to about 40 during 2022.

Click here for the Minutes of the Presbytery Review Committee



The Presbytery Review Committee recommends that the 44th General Assembly approve the following Exceptions requiring a Response as found in the 2023 Minutes of 11 of our 16 Presbyteries.

The Committee recommends that the Minutes of the Presbytery of the Alleghenies be approved with the following exceptions.

a. Date of ordination/installation of TE Fixari not recorded. 47, p.956, 47-14C, G. 13-1A. G. 21-1C.2.b
b. No definite period of time set for TE Adrian Ciganic and TE Bob Cummings. 45, p.863, 45-11A. TE Suzanne Zampella, 46, p.919, 46-13A, and TE Tanner Fixari, 47, p.955, 47-14B. G. 10-8B.2a

Central Carolinas
The Committee recommends that the Minutes of the Presbytery of the Central Carolinas be approved with the following exceptions.

a. No review of Session Minutes recorded. 2nd, 3rd & 4th meetings. G. 19-4A7. Acts of Assembly 07-08
b. Dismissal of Ridgecrest Presbyterian, Locust, NC. No details provided on previous steps or whether to independence or another denomination. 4th, 04-35.4A, p. 26. G. 5. 1 through 10., G. 19-4A.3
c. Change in call for TE Logan Keck to Lead Pastor. No record of a congregational vote. Also Lead Pastor is not a valid title, only Pastor. Same issue with title in paragraph k. 4th, 04-35.3J, p. 26, G. 9-5A.1, G. 10-6B, Acts of Assembly 02-04
d. TE Kevin Hartley’s position on Westminster not recorded. 2nd, 02-24, p. 12&13, also TE Gabriel Swing’s. 3rd, 03-24, p. 11, G. 12-4
e. TE Dr. Mark Hunter: Period of time not specified. 4th, 04-33, p. 24&24, G. 10-8B.2a
f. Session endorsement not recorded for candidates Katie Piquette and Chandler Owens; length of membership duration not recorded. 3rd, 03-22, p. 10, G. 11-2 and G. 19-4B2
g. No record of membership of Ministerial Committee. G. 21-2

Central South
The Committee recommends that the minutes of the Presbytery of the Central South be approved with the following exceptions.

a. No mention that Michael Wey’s Pastoral relationship with 1st Blytheville church was dissolved at a Congregation Meeting. 118, pg. 1015-1016, 118.08.3b, 118.08.4c., G. 14-1.B.
b. No specific duties listed for TE Eli Morris, TE David Morris, TE Larry Lloyd, and TE Chad Johnson. 118, pg. 1018, 118.10, 120, pg. 1059, 120.20, 119, pg. 1032, 119.12, G. 10-5, G. 10-6.A.
c. No defined time period for TE Hunter Bailey serving out of bounds. 118, pg. 1022, 118.22, 120, pg. 1052-1053, 120.07f. G. 10-8.b.2.A
d. No mention that Bill Thompson’s Pastoral relationship with Grace Presbyterian church was dissolved at a Congregation Meeting. 120, pg. 1050, G. 14-1.B
e. No mention that David Fischler’s Pastoral relationship with First Presbyterian Church was dissolved at a Congregation Meeting. 120, pg. 1050, 120.07.3.d., G. 14-1.B
f. No mention that Matt Miller’s Pastoral relationship with Woodland Presbyterian church was dissolved at a Congregation Meeting. 120, pg. 1050, 120.07.3.f, G. 14-1.B.
g. No mention that Richard Rieves’s Pastoral relationship with Downtown church was dissolved at a Congregation Meeting. 120, pg. 1050, 120.07.3g, G. 14-1.B.

Coastal Mid-Atlantic
The Committee recommends that the minutes of the Presbytery of the Coastal Mid-Atlantic be approved with the following exceptions.

a. No record of closing in prayer. 4, no p.#, 1.12.11, G. 16-1A
b. Parity details provided, but no names. 2, no pg.#, 1.22, 3, no pg.#, 1.04, 4, no pg.#, 1.07, G. 19-2A.4b, Acts of Assembly 05-08
c. No details of Omnibus motion recorded. 2, no pg.#, 1.24, 4, no pg.#,
d. Reported that 13 of 36 churches submitted minutes; no names recorded. No mention of Session Records Reviews. 2, no pg.#, 1.12, 3, 4, G. 19-4A7, Acts of Assembly 07-08
e. Candidate Josh Woltmann’s position on Westminster standards not recorded. No statement that he had no exceptions. 2, no pg.#, 1.23. G. 12-4, Acts of Assembly 03-04
f. No details recorded on the transfer of TE Josh Woltmann from Gulf South. 2, no pg.#, 1.23, G. 14-1B
g. TE Josh Woltmann – no period of time recorded. 2, no pg.#, 1.23. 3, pg.7, 1.15. G. 10-8B.2a
h. “TE Taylor for the MC then recommended TE “Gutty” Gutridge as pastor at Hopewell EPC.” No explanation for why a call did not come from Hopewell. No date & time for installation. 4, pg.9,, G.10-3, G.10-4, G.13-1A. G.21-1C.2.b
i. Candidate Bryan Lees: No name of church where he is a member, no record of Session endorsement, no record of advisor. 3, no pg.#, 1.16. G. 11-2 H, I, & J. Acts of Assembly 02-04
j. Candidate Dan Yoon: No record of Session endorsement or of advisor. 4, no pg.#, 13.05. G. 11-2 H, I, & J. Acts of Assembly 02-04
k. Minutes of meetings 2 & 4 not signed. 2, 4. G. 19-5D
l. No record of membership of Ministerial Committee. 2. G. 21-2

The Committee recommends that the Minutes of the Presbytery of the East be approved with the following exceptions.

a. No primary responsibilities or definite period of time listed for TE Tyler Stanhope. 127, pg. 2, 127-14C, G. 10-6.A.
b. Advisor assigned to each Candidate coming under care – none listed. 129, pg. 2, 13C, G. 11-2E.
c. No mention that TE Rob Norris relationship with 4st Evangelical Presbyterian church was dissolved at a Congregation Meeting. 127, pg. 3, 127-14D, G. 14-1.B.
d. Minutes shall report an annual review of session records of each church by name. None present in Minutes. 127, 128, and 129, G. 19-4A7.
e. Minutes must report the membership of the Presbytery’s Ministerial Committee at its first meeting each year (or the last meeting of the previous year if elected for the next calendar year at that time). None found. Ministerial membership not listed to determine TE:RE ratio. Two new members only listed in 126. 127, 128, and 129 (126, pg. 001414, 126-33A), G. 21-2.
f. No primary responsibilities listed for TE Tim Chiarot, TE Ken Fanning or TE Marcos Ortega. 127, pg. 6-7, 127-22E, G. 10-6.A.
g. No definite period of time listed for Out of Bounds TE Michael Langer or TE Norman Yung. 129, pg. 5, 129-15B, G. 10-8.B.2.a.
h. No mention that TE Jeffrey Brower relationship with Middle Smithfield EPC was dissolved at a Congregation Meeting. 129, pg. 3, 129-13D, G. 14-1.B.

Florida and the Caribbean
The Committee recommends that the Minutes of the Presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean be approved with the following exceptions.

a. No opening prayer. 98, pg. 1, 98.01. G. 16-1.A.
b. No primary responsibilities or definite period of time for TE Charlie Halleran. 98, pg. 7-8, 98.07. G. 10-6.A.
c. The stated exceptions for TE Charlie Halleran are not to be reported in the minutes, only the fact that they were approved as stated. 98, pg. 7-8, 98.07. G. 12-4.
d. No primary responsibilities for TE Paul Gibson. 98, pg. 7-8, 98.07. G. 10-5.
e. No mention that TE Joe Tolin relationship with 1st Faith Presbyterian church was dissolved at a Congregation Meeting. 100, pg. 12, 100.11. G. 14-1.B.
f. Administrative Commission should be noted in the Omnibus Motion as part of #6 and doesn’t appear to be part of the motion. 98, pg. 8, 98.7. G. 10-6.A.
g. Terms of Call are only items seemingly in the approval noted as “Without Objection. So Ordered”. 98, pg. 14, 98.15. G. 10-6.A.
h. Administrative Commission should be noted in the Omnibus Motion as part of #8 and doesn’t appear to be part of the motion. 98, pg. 15, 98.15. G. 10-6.A.
i. If the MC has the authority of the Presbytery to act as a Commission, then Presbytery must vote to ratify their actions. MC Committee Actions seem to be reported but not ratified by Presbytery.

Great Plains
The Committee recommends that the Minutes of the Presbytery of the Great Plains be approved with the following exceptions.

a. It was moved, seconded, and approved that Mainor Arcia Madrigal, a pastor in good standing within Iglesia Comunidad el Camino (Costa Rica), serve as Stated Supply Assistant Pastor. A Stated Supply Pastor must be invited by Session. 29, p.626, 29:06-2, G. 10-7A.2a
b. There was no mention of additional RE’s required of some churches to meet 2:1 RE:TE (Parity). All meetings, 28, 29, and 30. G. 19-2A.4b, Acts of Assembly 05-08
c. Membership of the Ministerial Committee not recorded to demonstrate the TE/RE ratio. G. 21-2

Gulf South
The Committee recommends that the Minutes of the Presbytery of the Gulf South be approved with the following exceptions.

a. No mention of a Congregational Meeting to dissolve the Pastoral relationship between TE Joshua Hutson and Graceminster Monroe. 27, pg. 155, 27.21. G. 14-1.B.
b. No mention of a Congregational Meeting to dissolve The First Presbyterian Church of Houma. 28, pg. 168, 28.13.2. G. 5-9.
c. Dissolving First Presbyterian Houma – really is described as a merger. No BoO reference. 28, pg. 165, 13. G. 5-9

The Committee recommends that the Minutes of the Presbytery of the Midwest be approved with the following exceptions.

a. Matthew Leithen, BJ Newman, No time period for these Out of Bounds calls. 180, pg. 9-10, 180-08. G. 10-8B.2a.

Pacific Northwest
The Committee recommends that the Minutes of the Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest be approved with the following exceptions.

a. Mtg 16 – A count of churches (9) whose minutes had been reviewed was recorded but the reviewed churches were not named. Mtg 17 & 18 – Reviewed churches were not named. 16, pg. 312, 16-20, 17, pg. 321, 17-10, 18, pg. 345, 18-8. G. 19-4A7, Acts of Assembly 07-08.

The Committee recommends that the Minutes of the Presbytery of the West be approved with the following exceptions.

a. The members of the Administrative Commission for Mountain Road were not listed. 128, pg. 8, 128.13. G. 21-C.2.b.
b. The advisors for candidates Morgan and Gaessler were not named. 128, pg. 9, 128.14, G. 11-2E.


The Presbytery Review Committee recommends that the 44th General Assembly approve the responses of the Presbyteries to those Exceptions sent to them by the 43rd General Assembly.

The Presbytery Review Committee recommends that the 44th General Assembly approve the responses of the Presbyteries to those Exceptions sent to them by the 43rd General Assembly.
Those Presbyteries included: Alleghenies, Central Carolina, Central South, East, Florida & Caribbean, Great Plains, Gulf South, Mid America, Midwest, Pacific NW, Pacific SW, Southeast, and West.


Ronald Bengelink (Chairman)
RE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest

Jim Conners
RE, Presbytery of the Pacific Southwest

Ray Kinat
RE, Presbytery of the Alleghenies

Bill Myers
RE, Presbytery of the Pacific Southwest

Mark Willems
TE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest

Jane Bodden
RE, Presbytery of Florida and the Caribbean

Keith Hopkins
RE, Presbytery of the Pacific Northwest

George King
RE, Presbytery of the Gulf South

Jason Steele
TE, Presbytery of the Midwest


March 1, 2024: Video Conference
March 12, 2024 (subcommittee): Video Conference
March 14, 2024 (subcommittee): Video Conference
March 19, 2024 (subcommittee): Video Conference
March 20, 2024 (subcommittee): Video Conference
March 26, 2024 (subcommittee): Video Conference
Marcy 28, 2024 (subcommittee): Video Conference
April 2, 2024 (subcommittee): Video Conference
April 4, 2024 (subcommittee): Video Conference
April 18, 2024: Video Conference

Respectfully submitted,



Ron Bengelink, Chairman
June 2024

Office of the General Assembly
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Orlando, FL 32822
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