Welcome to the EPC’s downloadable resource center. On this page you can access a wide variety of EPC documents and forms, including the Book of Order, General Assembly Minutes, Position Papers, as well as a wide variety of EPC forms such as those used in approving candidates and calling ministers.
NOTE: Many of these forms are fillable PDF files and will open in a new browser tab. When the form opens in the browser, right-click the form (or use “Save As” from the menu) and save it to your computer before entering any information, then complete the form. If you complete the form in your browser, your information will not be saved.
Use these quick links to navigate to the appropriate section:
Constitution and Doctrine
Training Manuals and Study Guides
Position Papers
Pastoral Letters
Forms for Endorsing and Receiving Ministerial Candidates
Forms for Ministerial Committees and Search Committees
Forms for Transitional Pastoral Ministry
Service Forms
General Assembly Forms
General Assembly Minutes
Forms for Organizing and Constituting Churches
Missional Resources
Other Resources
Annual Church Reports
Book of Order
The current Book of Order contains Rules for Assembly, Acts of Assembly, and Forms for Discipline as amended through the 44th General Assembly (2024). To navigate the volume online, use the bookmarks panel on the PDF.
Westminster Confession of Faith
This Modern English version has electronic chapter bookmarks. Download to your computer, and set your Acrobat Reader to view bookmarks (View > Show/Hide > Navigation Panes > Bookmarks).
A spiral-bound printed edition is available at
The Essentials
The Essentials expresses historic Christian beliefs common to all true believers and churches worldwide, and defines core beliefs of the Christian faith. However, it is not a substitute for the Westminster Confession of Faith.
A tract-sized printed edition is available at
Larger Catechism
Traditional English version
Larger Catechism
Modern English version
Shorter Catechism
Traditional English version
Ruling Elder Exam Handbook
Prepared by the
Presbytery of the Alleghenies
for churches entering the EPC
Leadership Training Guide
Revised in 2021. In addition to this PDF version, a printed, spiral-bound version is available for purchase at
Procedure Manual for Ministerial and Candidates Committees
Third edition,
published April 2023
Written Ordination Exam Study Guide
For written ordination exam study guides for Teaching Elders, see Ministerial Vocation Resources (See link)
Church Planting 101 Handbook
First edition,
published January 2024
A Position Paper identifies the positions of the EPC to the world. Each is intended to set forth the "mind" of the General Assembly on some particular issue or subject. It is not intended to be a thorough theological statement, nor a complete exegetical biblical study. The purpose of such a Position Paper is to enable the EPC to make a statement to itself, the Christian community, and the world in general on a subject of recurring interest, or one on which there is current compelling interest. Position Papers are neither part of the EPC Constitution nor represent in-and-of-themselves "essentials" of the church.
A Position Paper is approved through several steps. It is first introduced in a preliminary form and approved by the General Assembly. Next, it is circulated among the presbyteries for comment for a minimum of one year. Finally, it requires approval by a second General Assembly.
The following Position Papers have been authorized by the EPC and are available in pdf format:
A Pastoral Letter is intended to shine the light of God's Word broadly on an area of general concern to the Church. It is not as definitive as a Position Paper, and requires the approval of only one General Assembly. The primary purpose of a Pastoral Letter is to guide churches within the EPC, rather than to identify our positions to the world. Ten Pastoral Letters have been authorized for use within the EPC:
• Children and the Lord's Supper.
• Civil Disobedience.
• Criteria for Evaluating Membership in Secret Fraternal Organizations.
• Domestic Abuse.
• Human Sexuality.
• Open Theism.
• Organ Donation and Transplantation.
• Racial Lament and Hope.
• The Use of Catechisms in the EPC.
To request one or more of these approved Letters, please complete the form below.
Call to a Validated Ministry
Outside the Bounds of Presbytery
Instructions for Completing Form
Church Information Form (CIF)
Fillable PDF format,
save to your computer before using.
Updated November 2024.
Personal Reference Form
For use in conjunction the PIF
Record of Change
in Teaching Elder's
Status and Ministry
Online form opens in new tab
The Sacrament of Baptism (Adults)
Book of Worship
Section 3-2F
The Sacrament of Baptism (Infants)
Book of Worship
Section 3-2G
The Sacrament of
The Lord's Supper
Book of Worship
Section 3-3
The Reception of
New Members
Book of Government
Section 9-2D
The Ordination and Installation of a Teaching Elder
Book of Government
Section 13.1–13.6
The Ordination and Installation of a Minister
Book of Government
Section 14-1A
The Ordination and Installation of Ruling Elders
Book of Government
Section 14-1E
The Ordination and Installation of Deacons
Book of Government
Section 14-1E
Nomination Endorsement Form
For Sessions and Presbyteries to submit names to the Nominating Committee for service on EPC permanent committees. Includes nominating process and committee descriptions.
Memorials Form
For Clerks of Session to inform the EPC Memorials and Appreciation Committee of any Ruling Elder or Teaching Elders in their church who passed away since the previous General Assembly.
44th General Assembly
June 18-20, 2024
Hope Church
Cordova, Tennessee
43rd General Assembly
June 20-22, 2023
Cherry Hills Community Church
Denver, Colorado
42nd General Assembly
June 21-24, 2022
Ward Church
Northville, Michigan
41st General Assembly
June 22-25, 2021
Second Presbyterian Church
Memphis, Tennessee
40th General Assembly
September 19-20, 2020
Hosted by the Office of the General Assembly
39th General Assembly
June 18–21, 2019
Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church
Englewood, Colorado
38th General Assembly
June 19–22, 2018
Hope Presbyterian Church
Cordova, Tennessee
37th General Assembly
June 20–23, 2017
Fair Oaks Presbyterian Church
Sacramento, California
36th General Assembly
June 21–25, 2016
Ward EPC
Northville, Michigan
35th General Assembly
June 23–27, 2015
First Presbyterian Church
Orlando, Florida
34th General Assembly
June 17–21, 2014
Cedar Springs Presbyterian Church
Knoxville, Tennessee
33rd General Assembly
June 19–22, 2013
Cherry Hills Community Church
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
32nd General Assembly
June 20–23, 2012
First Presbyterian Church
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
31st General Assembly
June 22–25, 2011
Hope Presbyterian Church
Cordova, Tennessee
30th General Assembly
June 23-26, 2010
Cherry Creek Presbyterian Church
Englewood, Colorado
29th General Assembly
June 24–27, 2009
Cornerstone EPC
Brighton, Michigan
28th General Assembly
June 18–21, 2008
Fourth Presbyterian Church
Bethesda, Maryland
27th General Assembly
June 20–23, 2007
Cherry Hills Community Church
Highlands Ranch, Colorado
Additional General Assembly minutes will be posted as they become available.
Inquiring Churches
Information Packet
This 27-page packet includes our process for inquiring churches, answers to common questions that we get asked, summary belief statements, and all necessary Petition to Be Received forms. The forms are in fillable PDF format, which need to be downloaded and saved to your computer before completing.
Missional Church Primer
Fall 2007 report explaining the roots of the missional church discussion and its implications
Toward a Stronger Future
Prepared by the EPC Long Range Planning Committee, June 2006
Session Discussion Questions
Assessment tool based on Missional Church Primer and Toward a Stronger Future
Office of the General Assembly
5850 T.G. Lee Blvd., Suite 510
Orlando, FL 32822
(407) 930-4239
(407) 930-4247 fax